Directions to Borderfest in Sibley IA

Starting at Ames

  1. Drive to Fort Dodge
  2. Drive to Cherokee
  3. Get on Highway 59 and look for signs to Sibley
  4. It is at the Osceola County Fair grounds in Sibley. Go west at the first stop light

The show starts at noon and ends at midnight. Each band will be on for 45 minutes to one hour. We are scheduled to play at 5pm. The bands are (in order, starting at noon):

1. Trend 86--noon

2. Fleshpeddlers--1pm

3.Liquid Ernie--2pm


5.Poeky Bleum--4pm


7. THe Canadian Wheat Lords--6pm

8.Stone Nowhere--7pm

9. Cat 5--8pm

10. 12 1/2 Charlies--9pm

11. Hessian--10pm

12. Flood Romeo--11pm